Thursday, July 02, 2020


Our upstairs neighbor was doing some work on his back wall and discovered that he had some dry rot.  Upon further inspection, it appeared that it extended down to our level of the back wall as well.

Onions brought in someone that he knew from his days working at Wells Fargo and the guy made a bid that our neighbor declared, "you're getting an amazing deal."

So, on June 16th (Happy Birthday, O!) commenced two weeks of renovations, starting with the back wall.

Turns out it also extended to the side wall as well!

Here's the finished product, but do you notice the big change?  And it's not the nice new paint job.

As the work was going on, Onions decided to ask our guy to do some additional side projects.  One, very minor one, was to put to the vent to our stove throught a wall so it no longer exposed running over our refrigerator and through the window.

Yeah, that was the BIG new project!  Our back door and window became a new set of French doors.

So one thing I've learned is what French doors are?  I used to think that they were double doors that opened in the same direction....but that they didn't have locks.  For some reason I always though French doors were interior doors and so they didn't have to have locks and that their lack of locks is what made them French doors.  Clearly, our doors are locked.

A last project was to extend our deck to have a bit more surface area.

The new wood is the extension, the plan is to stick a BBQ grill under the stairs there?  All design questions are in Onions domain.  I'm simply along for the ride.

Well, we had an extra door, so this is now where it's located.  I'm thinking maybe we end up cutting it in half?  Just an idea.  But things are done.  Phew.

Here's the back door now that it's all accessorized.  Curtains and rugs.  It looks like it comes from and HGTV renovation show!  It's all Onions...he's the Joanna of the family!

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