Friday, July 01, 2016

This Box Has Been Sitting Around for Seven Years

This last week of June 2016, I attended a professional development conference on teaching Algebra through more visuals at Head-Royce.  On the last day, the class moved into a room and I noticed this box sitting on the shelf.  That pink sticker....looked familiar.

Upon closer inspection....oh my.  That's my box.  413 is the room that I was assigned in the new building the last year I taught at Head-Royce, so this box was packed in 2008 when we were moving.

Papers and files, to be expected.

But I had old tests from 2002!  And before I started putting grades in an Excel Spreadsheet, I had grade/attendance logs for the years 2000-06.

I just tossed most papers into recycling, but for some reason, this tattered piece of paper stuck out.  Ahhh, you former students know HOW MUCH I LOVE (sarcasm) study day!