Sunday, August 21, 2016

Celebrations and Dumplings

This is my husband after watching the Chinese Women's Volleyball team beat the Netherlands in the Olympic Semifinals.  This came after their huge upset of top ranked Brazil

Two days later.......China beat Serbia in the finals to take the 2016 Olympic Gold Medal.  Here he is patriotically standing for the Chinese National Anthem!

You see the size of his grin?!?!?

A few days later, I came home after playing cards with friends and we wrapped dumplings.

Note the "WE" in the last caption.  This is significant because I am usually banned from kitchen activities (other than making coffee and washing dishes).

Turns out that when I was a kid, I would wrap dumplings with my Mom and so I have "mad skillz."

My husband is NOT one to give out compliments, but he was impressed with my abilities and said "good job!"  I'm a winner!

The final product.  We ate half and froze the rest.