Monday, April 02, 2007

Mom and Dad were onto something...

From NPR:

April 2nd, 2007 --
"Letters from Ernest Hemingway to singer Marlene Dietrich have been unveiled at the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum in Boston. Tom Putnam, the library's director, tells Steve Inskeep the correspondence suggest a flirtatious (but platonic) relationship between the two celebrities."

For those of you who still haven't clued into the signifigance of this posting, this would have been a filial love in the Chen household. You can listen to the story here.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Proof that children love me (and yes it's reciprocated!)

The transcript of a conversation between my friend and colleague Kelly B. was emailed to me the day after I ran into Kelly, her husband and their two-year old son Blake. We tooled along West Portal while I pushed Blake in his toy motorcycle. Apparently, I've made (and have made for awhile now) quite an impression on the young lad.

"i wanna see ernie"

"you wanna see ernie?"

"yeah, ernie push it"

"ernie pushed your motorcycle?"

"yeah. ernie shorts on!"

Panama Pictures (Slightly Delayed)

The skyline of Panama City which lies on the Pacific Ocean and faces south

The Miraflores Locks of the Panama Canal

These "mules" are small locamotives run along the side of the ships and keep the boats centered with guide wires.

Nikolas, Kristin S., myself holding Peter at the Panama Canal

Fort Clayton (where Kristin's family lives and no longer an active military fort) as seen from the Miraflores Locks

The Guari Guari restaurant in Bocas del Toro, where I had the great $14 six course meal and where I slept in the......

.....the hammock

The view from Cerra Punta

Looking west into the Cerra Punta valley and Costa Rica beyond from the highest point along the Sendero Los Quetzales.

Who is this?

A view from along the Sendero Los Quetzales.

This picture I found on my camera.......the couple who returned my camera to me. A testament to the fact that good things in the world can happen.