Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Consider this your 2006 forwarded email that I implore you to look at

For those of you who are a bit behind the technology curve, there is this new website called YouTube which allows anyone to upload video clips that they have/make and broadcast to any other person who wants to watch. As you an imagine, there is a great deal of crap and a lot of stuff that reverts to a teenage boys level of humor. However, every once in a while, something great is created and I hope that you'll take a second to go over to YouTube and view it. In the search field type in "Bernanke" and the first clip that comes up is the one you want to watch. If you are not so motivated, I'll make it even easier, you can watch it off of the SF Chronicles Technology Chronicles Blog.

It's even funnier now that I know that CBS stands for Columbia Business School, that main singer is the Dean of Columbia Business School, Glenn Hubbard. It was Hubbard that Bernanke "beat" for the appointment by President Bush.

And for those students of mine who are reading this, I hope that you understood what the songs lyrics meant.

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