Thursday, June 01, 2006

A Proposition Party

No, not that kind. Next Tuesday June 6th, 2006 the California State Primary Election is to be held. As a permanent absentee voter (there is NO reason now NOT to vote since you can have the ballot mailed to you every single time and election is held and you can vote in your underwear), I am in possession of a Democratic Party ballot. I want it on the record that I am a registered Independent that chooses to vote in the Democratic Party's primary.

A couple weeks ago, I met a guy who lives a couple blocks from me at one of the game nights that have become a regular tradition at casa Chen. He told me about this get together he and his friends and housemates have before each election where each person is asked to research a proposition or set of candidates for an office and then present to the people attending the party.

So, tonight was the night. There were 14 of us and I knew only the guy who invited me but I was SO impressed with the quality of discussion. I mean this was the political process at it's best. I came in with my mind made up on a couple issues and/or candidates and clueless on others. What was clear is that the presentations and discussions fleshed out the true intent of the propositions and I was swayed back and forth a couple of times before a straw poll was held.

Surprisingly, the votes were more than 50% of the time split 50/50 with the other half generally being unanimous votes by a group of 14 San Francisco liberals. However, it was the propositions that asked us voters to approve bonds for various programs/construction that split our group down the middle.

It was truly democracy in action.

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