Monday, June 14, 2004

What am I doing???

I sit here and write this entry on the evening before I depart on my two month journey across this great nation and back again. There is the part of me that is excited and ready to get on the road. There is the part of me that is freaking out about this great adventure I am about to embark on. I am such a person of structure and routine that these first couple weeks of driving at my own leisure and not having a real agenda is a hugely foreign concept for me. It is going to be a struggle for me to not have a place to be at a set time, but to just stop when I feel like it and call it a day. I was talking with a friend of mine today who reminded me that once I get on the road and know what it will look and feel like that this apprehension will fade away and I will embrace the open road. I think he is right.

I truly am challenging myself by taking on this great unknown adventure. I easily could have taught summer school and stayed here in the Bay Area and taken it easy. But I know that life is about doing the uncomfortable and doing the unknown so here I am on the cusp of the great unknown. Some goals of the trip.

a) Stay off the interstates as much as possible. I hope to take US 50 across to Kansas and then cut up to US 20 and hit Nebraska, Iowa through the Midwest (INDIANA!!!!) to Upstate New York.

b) To stop as much as possible to see the small towns of America and talk to people. I hope to meet some great characters along the way.

c) To get out of the car everyday for an hour or two and hop on my bike to get some exercise but to also see these places at less than 10 miles per hour.

d) To stop doing this goal setting and to live life without having to achieve.

Where I write you from next? Who knows. Will I have a story to tell, I definately hope so!

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