Thursday, June 20, 2013

Yuanmingyuan -- The Old Summer Palace

Last day in Beijing and we went out to the Old Summer Palace. Started in 1707 it grew to be a combination of three huge gardens with lakes and buildings (both Chinese and European architecture)

However, in 1860 during the Second Opium War, French and British troops destroyed nearly every structure in the Old Summer Palace.  There are some buildings, such as the one shown here, that have been reconstructed. However, most buildings will not be.

The original remnants of a destroyed bridge.

However, the lakes are still present.

We went at the end of the day so we got to see the start of sunset on a beautiful Beijing day.

Wait?  Are we in Europe?  No, these are the ruins of the European style buildings found at the northern end of the Old Summer Palace.

One cool thing is this reconstructed maze.  The goal is to get to the cupola in the middle!

Mom and I raced and she beat me.  Here are Mom and Dad trying to get back out!

Last dinner in Beijing was at the famed Quanjude.  It was Mom's 70th birthday dinner!!

Happy Birthday Mom!!

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