Thursday, June 19, 2008

Marriage for All

As we all have heard, the California Supreme Court overturned the ban on gay marriage last month and so, it is now legal for any couple, regardless of their residence, to get married within the state of California. My friend Tony O. (who grew up in Seattle, was one of the kids who was in the intro of the show Boomerang and has a huge love of Frangos) got married to his partner of 10 years, Brian B. The following are photos.

The Groom, Tony, and the groom, Brian

The printout confirming their ceremony time.

Tony proudly holding and displaying his marriage license.

The wedding party

City Hall is full of San Francisco history and being the politico, I had to include the following pictures. They speak volumes in their silent and regal manner.

So some final words on gay marriage. In the end, I think gay marriage will spread throughout the entire nation because it will become an Economic issue for states that do not allow gay marriage. Gays will vote with their feet and move to places such as Massachusetts, Vermont and California. States will soon realize that they need to institute inclusive laws simply to retain the talented gay men and women that already reside in those states. As usual, it comes down to Economics, baby!

1 comment:

Juliet said...

Your comment about economics makes me wonder if you have been reading Richard Florida's book(s) The Rise of the Creative Class?