Friday, May 12, 2006

A great mail day

In this day of the Internet and instantaneous service, the trip to the mailbox to see what came in the mail via the US Postal Service has become an exercise in junk mail futility. Then comes a day like today where it was a treasure trove of goodies. It's what makes the mail, the mail. I got the four pieces of ubiqitous junk mail which went directly into recycling but I also got my Sports Illustrated (which you all know I love and are some of the best 2 hours of every week when I read it cover to cover, ok so I don't read the hockey articles), my mortgage bill, the new stickers for my car from the DMV, my absentee ballot for the June California primary, my jury summons (we all know that story) and a letter from my dear friend Jennifer C.. What a day for the mail!!

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