Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Fall 2019/Winter 2020 Pre-Covid Wrap-up

When the sun is out, we head to our favorite beach, Grey Whale Cove, just south of the Lantos Tunnel.  Although this isn't the actual beach, our beach looks much like this one.

On this day in September 2019, we went for a hike into the hills above the beach.

Checking my work email one afternoon, I scored tickets to a City Arts and Lecture talk with Ta-Nehasi Coastes.  He was promoting his new book (we each got a free copy).  I was actually he would talk more about his article about reparations.

These are photos I found on Onions phone.

For Onions birthday, we took a trip to Cupertino to the Apple Visitor Center.  Here in the entrance is a scale model of the campus but when you look at it with an iPad it turns into more of a virtual reality experience.

Hanging on the observation deck overlooking the circular Apple Building.

My colleague Tony and I dressed up for twin day at school.

I found this jacket in the school's costume collection.  I was going to wear it for Halloween at the gym, but that never happened.

Speaking of the gym, I'm still definitely deeply part of "the cult."  Pre shelter-in-place this is my "fortress" at the gym.  

I guess I must have finished a Crossfit Open workout and this was documentation.

I'm particularly proud of this....I officially finished a workout within the time limit for the first time!

The gym had a white elephant party at the local brewpub (bonus is that I got to watch the Seahawks vs. Panthers game!)  Here's the box I brought.

Ahhh, the lucky recipient of my gift.  Note the book.

Games with Hans, Nick and Carl!

In early January, the Lick-Wilmerding vs. University Basketball rivaly game continued, but now at the Chase Center.  My first and only time inside.

Carlos was in town!  Dinner with him and CHB3!

And then brunch with CEllmaker.  It was so long since I've seen him that he had a phone number for me that I haven't had in over a decade.

Driving in the Berkeley Hills with Onions.

In early March, I met up with president of SYA, Tom Hassan for coffee.  We talked SYA and politics (his wife is the junior senator from New Hampshire!).  Afterwards, we attended a brunch in Pacific Heights.

I continued to volunteer at Project Open Hand every Saturday.  Apparently, in this photo, I packed exactly the correct number of bags based on the the given number of pounds I was given.

Flo and Daniel!

Camilo and I stopping for post POH burgers on the drive home!

In early March, Cameron, Leslie and I headed up to this new tea shop post POH.

Someday, we will get to recreate this photo.

Over the course of the last year, my left leg has been getting weaker, so I got an MRI and there is spinal stenosis.  Met up with my original surgeon Dr. Gorek back in December and had back surgery on March 13th!  Yes, the day before the world shut down!  I got my elective surgery just before they stopped doing them.  It will take a year before I can get a sense of how much strength I'll get back in the leg.  But, I'm happy that I still live without any back/leg pain, even though looking at my scans, Dr. Gorek is surprised I'm pain free.  Very grateful!

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