So it was a difficult day for our country this past Friday. I recognize that I grew up in a liberal bubble (Seattle) and now reside in another liberal bubble (San Francisco). I recognize that I have never lived anywhere outside a liberal bubble (even Ithaca, NY is a blue island in the sea of red Upstate New York), but I know that my beliefs on equality for all, justice and taking care of our planet is the right way to live. I recognize that I have incredible privilege in being born into a family that financially and emotionally supported me. I recognize that right now, I have so many layers that buffer me from the potential changes that our new leader, Voldemort (I refuse to actually say the name out loud for until he is out of office) may try to enact or repeal. But now, and I have to say sadly a little late in life, that I too, like many of us who were surprised by the results of the election (or more importantly, suffer through the stupid electoral college the gives so much weight to voters in the Upper Midwest) that we are too complacent. What are we going to do? Well, I hope my actions from yesterday's march aren't indicative...
I finished up my shift at Open Hand and walked down Polk Street to Civic Center and the rally in full swing. |
That "TRUTH" on the side of the building was already there before all this. |
Not being a fan of crowds and the rain starting falling, I decided head home. See? There it is again, not sticking it out. |
There were so many great signs, but this one speaks to me and one that I believe in. I always feel that even though extremism and hate takes hold for a small amount of time, ultimately, it gets beaten down and that good wins. |