Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center


So, this is what pretty much all of Texas (Central) looks like to me 

But here at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center (Onions notes that SO MANY places are named Johnson here in Texas) we got to see native flowers of Texas.  The center is in South Austin.

Alas, this is what the large field looks like.  Apparently, we should come and visit in the Springtime.

Lady Bird Johnson was known as the "Environmental First Lady" and believed in the power of beauty of nature, especially flowers.

Inside the center, the flowers begin!  I expected large fields of wildflowers, but still, there were beautiful patches of flowers.  I really like it when there are two colors of flowers iat the same time.

My favorite flower called the "American Beautyberry"  It looks like a berry, you can eat.

This patch of flowers was clearly a favorite of bees.  The bees were buzzing in and out of the flowers.

Eggs Nests

And now I have mastered portrait mode!

American Beautyberry up close.

A view back towards the Wildflower Center buildings.

So this sounds really cool....on the grounds every fall artists build forts, which when open, visitors can explore.  FORTS!  It's like my inner child is being called.

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