Saturday, July 25, 2020

"I Spy" or How I'm participating in the Bernal Heights Community

Back when the COVID-19 lockdown of 2020 began, the Bernalwood group on Facebook started to explode with posts about people coming together in the hood to sponsor socially distanced dance parties, food drives and gathering of PPE just to name a few things people in Bernal were doing to get through this "together."  One interesting activity that became a Wednesday annoucement was the theme of the "I Spy" game. You can read about it here in the NY Times Article about Bernal Heights.

So what is this "I Spy" game?  A woman in the area has a front yard and she hides items in her garden so kids (well, everyone) can come by and look for the five items.  One week it was sunglasses, another one was smurfs.  So, I decided to contribute a theme and my items are on display this week, July 22nd to 29th, 2020.

Here's the house at 1116 Powhattan.  It's in a part of Bernal that I never go to (actually it's hard to get there because it's at the top corner of the hill and there are lots of dead ends)
Here's the announcement on the Facebook Group

The rules!

The theme of the week!

Elephant #1

Elephant #2

Elephant #3

Elephant #4
So, I spent about 10 minutes looking for Elephant #5 and I couldn't find it.  Honestly, I couldn't even remember what to look for.  I texted the woman who runs it and she reminded me that I'm looking for a wood elephant.  I need to go back and find #5.  Happy to be a part of the Bernal community and to participate in this small way.

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