Thursday, April 13, 2017

Butano State Park

Catching up on some back posts here.....but a few weeks back, Onions and I had a free Sunday and headed down the coast to Butano State Park, near the town of Pescadero.

Not as famous as its nearby sibling state park, Big Basin, the scenery and draw are much the same......coastal redwoods!

We ended up hiking the longest loop in the park upwards of 9 miles that took back around a small canyon and over some creeks.

BANANA SLUGS!!!  This is why the mascot of UC Santa Cruz is the banana slugs.  They were all over the trail.

Kiss a banana slug for good luck!

After the hike, we headed to Pescadero for lunch at the famed Duarte's.

We dined on their two best known dishes, artichoke soup and Olallaberry pie!  Another Sunday outdoors!

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