Saturday, June 25, 2016

I Actually Look Like I Know What I'm Doing

This past school year, around February, my morning bus stop to school moved 100 feet south.  Not that big a deal, except now my bus stop, at which I stand at 615AM is not in front of a "former auto body shop turned into Crossfit gym." All spring, I would watch these people at 6AM running and being dedicated enough to be working out at 6AM. I always wondered what this was all about.  Therefore, once school got out, I worked up the nerve to walk in when it was in session and check it out.  Next thing I know, I've signed up for the introductory series of three workouts to assess my fitness level.  Turns out....not so great.  Stamina and cardio is decent (thanks swimming!) but my range of motion and flexibility is terrible.  So my trainer, Sean, and I have been working on the goal of getting me flexible enough, as well as learn a lot of the exercises and lifting skills, to get in a regular class.  So far, eight sessions in, I'm much more flexible and look at these pictures.  I'm actually lifting barbells and kettle bells. So it turns out my rotational balance is good (thanks golf) but I have a hard time with squats and backwards movement that requires balance (gotta up my yoga!).

My workouts have been three times a week at 930AM (after I drop Onions off at work) for just over an hour.  I start by rowing 1,000 meter, then flexibility stretching, spending 20-30 minutes on learning technique (sumo dead's the only name I can remember right now, among others) and then ending with a cardio workout interspersed with sit ups, pushups or goblet squats.  It's fun, and I'm having a blast.

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