Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sunday Morning in Chaoyang Park

In my resolution to say "Yes" to any invitation to participate in an activity outside of my comfort zone.....I got invited to play laser tag.  So I got up early Sunday morning and headed out to Chaoyang Park.  Here I am with my friend Masha.

Charlie's Angels Style!

So we wore these vests.  I think I we were to shoot at the little red targets.  But then, maybe those were just the lights that went off when one got shot.  In the typical Chinese, the set up was great, but the execution was terrible.    There was no organization or explanation.  They, the proprietors,  just took our money and didn't pay attention to us at all.

In action.  When you were out of lives, you simply couldn't reload your gun.  For some reason, I never or wasn't able to "die" so I just went out Rambo style into the middle of the battleground and wontonly "killed" my enemies.

Chinese Boys love guns too!

"LIKE A BOSS!!!"  Especially with the facial hair!

As I was leaving Chaoyang Park, apparently Sunday is wedding picture day.  Here's a sampling of what couples in China are wearing in their weddings and wedding pictures.

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