Saturday, February 11, 2012

Pictures From My Camera

A few weeks ago, at bridge class, my partner and I won our section of the end of class bridge tournament!!

Chinese New Years!!!  The school mensa is to be applauded for expanding their culinary menu by offering POT STICKERS.  They get points for trying....

February 11th.....Roma snowpocalyse round 2.  This time, it didn't stick.  But the flakes were big and fluffy.

So of course, I venture out with friend Brian B. and we have tartufo nero!!!


Marlene said...

I love this post, Ernesto. Great photo in the Piazza Navona (is that the right one?)

Marlene said...

Congratulations for the bridge win from mom. She says that is a very good score. Normally 57 would have won.