Sunday, April 11, 2010

Another Afternoon in Tivoli

Villa d'Este is a classic Italian Renaissance garden. Beautiful flowers (you'll see that Spring time has arrived here in Italy) and amazing fountains which must have been amazing feats of hydraulic engineering at the time.

I loved this photo, it's a church door which kids are kicking soccer balls against.

The Aniene river runs right through Tivoli (it's where all the water for the Villa d'Este fountains come from) and often times flooded and wiped out the town. In the 19th century, Pope Gregory XVI had the river diverted through some tunnels and a beautiful waterfall was formed. The area was turned into a beautiful cliff side park which has nice, short hikes.


Marlene said...

wow! this is just on the outskirts of rome? it's so beautiful! the weather looks fantastic. spring in rome....the photos are lovely too. dad keeps telling me that you're a very good photographer and you know dad, that's a high compliment.

Korryn said...

I want to go here! So beautiful. And, I love waterfalls.