Wednesday, October 07, 2009

And Now A Word From Cousin Henry

An Oktoberfest story as relayed by a live witness....Paul, by the way, was the Chinese speaking German in the previous post

"So, here’s the story of our encounter with the Chinese-speaking German kids. We were waiting to enter the Paulaner tent at Oktoberfest and were approached by 3 German kids who had just returned from studying abroad in Beijing. These guys were 18 years old. Paul spoke the best Chinese by far and was rather talkative in Chinese. During our conversation, Paul mentioned that his “fu mu” were still in Beijing. Ernie had a surprised look on his face and said “Oh, you’re married?!” Confused, I directed my attention to Ernie and mentioned that “fu mu” means parents. Obviously, Ernie thought “fu mu” = wife or spouse. Paul’s face lit up and he emphatically said to Ernie “Dude, your Chinese sucks man!” To hear this from a German native less than ½ of Ernie’s age really was a humorous way to start our day at Oktoberfest.

It was one of those situations you just had to witness. I laughed so hard I thought the hotdog I just ate would come up."

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