Monday, September 14, 2009

Blast from the past

This is a non-Italy related posting. Last week, I got emails from two of my best friends from college and each email had a photo attached that brought back great memories of college years. Each has a great story and some back story.

The first picture is a black and white photo that was taken sometime in the Winter of 1992. A bunch of us would get together and rent Lynah Rink for an hour at 1AM for $75. I really didn't know how to play hockey but it was fun to go and skate around. Someone took the photo, which wasn't any big deal. But then another person had the brilliant idea to frame it and mount it on the wall of the Chapter House bar on Stewart Street on Ithaca. If you ever go, it's in the second room, on the South wall right at eye level in the middle of the wall. It still is there to this day.

The second photo shows the rules to a dastardly game Mike B., Jeff O., Peter S. and I played for about a week during finals in 1992. We had a dart board in our apartment which we played all the time. One day we started playing hearts and somehow got the idea to combine the two games. Somehow, I managed to pass all my finals even though we spent hours on end playing. Peter found the rules when going through one of his old books and I would say that it would be magical to round up the four of us again and play.

Here's to great friends from college and memorable times in life!

1 comment:

cath said...

Ah, the Chapter House, Hearts and Darts--good times.