Sunday, January 28, 2007


In my senior Economics class, I warn them that if they comprehend the concepts and are paying attention, they will perhaps become more conservative (politically) in their thinking as they encounter the market killing implications of taxes the issues surrounding price controls and subsidies. Remember that teaching in the Bay Area, most of my students are lifelong liberals and pretty adamantly vocal ones at that. So when I claimed to be a registered independent, I sensed a bit of incredulity at my political persuasion. Of course, I tend to vote the Democratic candidate or position most of the time, I told them, but I have voted for Republicans in the course of my 18 years of voting.

This got me thinking, in all my years of voting, I can only name three candidates for state or national office that I can remember going with the GOP candidate. The first is quite obscure that being Representative John Miller who was the incumbent congressman from my district in Seattle back when I first started voting. I think he's the only Republican I voted for twice. When I lived in New Jersey, I voted for Governor Christine Todd Whitman, who became head of the EPA. Alas, sadly, I never actually had the opportunity to vote for my favorite politician, Bill Bradley as I arrived after his last election to the Senate in 1994. As a resident of New Jersey, I did vote for Democrat Robert Toricelli. Oops. Lastly, I proudly admit to have voted for the Governator, Arnold Schwarzenegger in this past election. I have voted Republican in the past (and I know this makes Mom happy) and will do so in the future when the candidate is right.

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