Wednesday, August 30, 2006

You never know what you're going to get

The word of the week was PANACHE, which seemed to fluster more than a few callers. Most of the messages used the word to describe something (or me) as having flair/verve/elan. However, once again Joe H. of Greenbrae, CA gets special mention for using PANACHE as describing a hat with ornamental feathers or a plume.

But the winner this week is John H. or San Francisco who informed me that Panache Choclatier was his chocolate store of choice when he lived in Kansas City, MO. And we have a winner.....

The new word has been recorded on my outgoing message and is ready to go. Have fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope there's a "Life of H. Ernest Chen" Blog word-game equivalent for us regular surfers of the blog yet irregular callers such as myself.


Ian McGrady