Sunday, August 06, 2006

A Former Life

For those of you who have always wondered what my life was back in New Jersey when I taught at a boarding school, well, here you are. The first part of my journey took me back to the place where I felt as though I came of age as an adult. My three years there were truly a baptism by fire, but I am the better because of it. I thoroughly loved my three years at Lawrenceville and remember it in my heart with great fondness. Here's what it looks like:

The Chapel which lies around the circular lawn. The grounds were laid out by the famed Fredrick Olmstead; the same man who designed the grounds of Central Park in New York City

The Bunn Library

The Corby Mathematics and Computing Center on right(Yes, it does look like Pizza Hut) and the Science Building on left.

The track and football field

The rear of the Science Center (air is completely recirculated every three to five minutes) and the bleachers to the field. As punishment for their senior class prank in 1998, the seniors had to move every brick from the far end of the field to the base of the bleachers. A comical sight at 8AM the Sunday morning before graduation.

Upper House where I lived with 65 senior boys for two years.

The Haskell House where I spent my third and final year living with 14 (to start by 12 by the end) senior boys.

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