Friday, January 20, 2006

For those of you who are keeping score....

Today, a judge in the State of Maryland rejected a ban on same-sex unions, ruling that defining marriage as only between a man and a woman unconstitutional. You can listen to a story on this by following this link to the story on NPR. If you go to the link you'll see that there are currently eight states that have some sort of same-sex marriage law or case in that states court system. In my lifetime, I have been a resident of five states in the US. I found it an interesting fact that all five of those states are in the list of eight that are at the forefront of the same-sex marriage issue. Washington State, New York, Maryland, New Jersey and California, the five that I have lived and paid taxes in, are joined by Iowa, Massachusetts and Connecticut. To bring Statistics into the discussion......correlation? Yes! Causation? Questionable at best.

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