Sunday, June 11, 2006

Where's the Beef?

Remember that famous line from the 80's Wendy's commercial? Takes us all back, eh? Anyway, this has nothing to do with Wendy's, but more to do with grassfed organic meat. Lots of it. A while back, I got an email from family friend Lynn asking if anyone was interested in going in on some grassfed organically raised (hmm, I'm not sure if this means that the grass that was fed was organically raised or if the fact that the animal was grassfed makes it organically raised), regardless, some high quality meat. She has contacts in that world and every year about this time a herd of steer (cow? I have no idea) is slaughtered, and the meat is pre-sold to those who are interested in this kind of meat. From what I can gather, one animal produces some 160-200 pounds of meat, which Lynn sold in 20lb units. I'm a sucker for good meat and am just interested in seeing if there is a distinct taste difference, so I ponied up my cash and purchased 20 lb of meat.

Here's what 20lb of frozen meat looks like

After yesterday's class of 2006 graduation (where I was simply there for show and had little investment in this class because I had taught only 7 of 77 because when they were freshman I was recovering from my accident), I went to Lynn's to pick up my meat. My haul brought it 1 London Broil, 2 Sirloin Steak, 1 Sirloin Tritip and 9 pounds of Ground Beef.

So any of you who come over will probably hear the refrain, "Want some meat?"

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