Friday, June 16, 2006

Summertime in San Francisco

"The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco" I'm not sure who said that quote (I want to say Mark Twain) but it is OH SO TRUE. Except for these past few days where the weather has been perfect. In the afternoon, I again tackled a set of stairways, this time in the Corona Heights/Upper Market neighborhood. The chronology of the walk started me in the saddle up at the top of 17th St where it meets Clayton. First to Upper Terrace and then down to the Vulcan Stairway and then up Saturn Staircase, up 17th and up to Clayton again. It was a short, sweet, yet rewarding walk.

Stairs to Upper Terrace

The view from Upper Terrace

I've either loved or hated brown shingled houses and the juxtaposition of these two houses answers the question why. It's all about the trim, baby.

Throughout San Francisco, there are numerous long stairways lined with residential homes. These homes are can ONLY be accessed via the staircase. When tree-lined and well maintained as the Vulcan Staircase is, it can create a quiet paradise in the heart of the bustling urban environment. It's the best of both worlds. I think I covet one of these home.

A Vulcan Stairway home

Most of the homes on Vulcan line the North side, however, here is one of the three that are on the South side.

Here's what homeowners and architects have to deal with in their work.

Oh, and today, I went in for jury duty and after an hour, there were no cases to be tried and our group was excused and given credit for showing up this afternoon. Actually, kind of a anti-climactic ending to this civic duty in comparison to the drama of a few months ago.

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