Monday, June 07, 2004

Sex and the City

Every male (especially gay males) needs friends like these. The long time friends who know all the dirty details of your life, the people in your life who you feel comfortable revealing all of your problems, fears, conquests and loves to without judgement. I can't claim that there are no catty remarks, but it is all done with love and affection. It is with my "Sex and the City" friends that I spent a wonderful Sunday afternoon. Wells, Vern, Thomas and I (sans Jose since his flight from SF to NYC) have been friends since we all rowed together in the late 90's. We gathered yesterday in Wells' backyard at noon for brunch and hours of conversation. If we had to assign roles, Thomas=Samantha, Vern=Miranda, Wells=Carrie which leaves me with Charlotte. Under the shade of a large tree, we dissected each other's lives in a way that only good friends can. It's unfortunate that the four of us live in three different area codes within the SF Bay Area and aren't as accessible to each other as the four women are on the show, but we try to meet up once a month. Yesterday was a bit out of the ordinary since it was at Wells' home. Usually, we meet up for dinner in the Castro followed by a trip to Badlands. I still have a smile on my face today from some of the things that were discussed yesterday. You want to know what they are, don't you. Sorry, it's only between me and the boys. As they say, what happens in the Vegas, stays in the Vegas.

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