Saturday, June 12, 2004

Am I turning into Roger Ebert?

Due to the fact that I had a three hour wait to get new tires put on my car in preparation for my trip, I decided to spend that time at the Metreon. I saw The Stepford Wives. Commentary on the movie comes later, but I have noticed that when I read movie reviews on MRQE that Roger Ebert basically never gives any movie below two stars out of four. For example, here is his review of The Stepford Wives. See what I mean? I too like every movie I see. I kind of notice it when I see a movie and enjoy it whereas others I talk to upon seeing the same movie say that it sucks. How come I never really think a movie sucks? Perhaps I'm gullible or easily entertained? I worry that perhaps I am not critical enough, but I think I'll look at the world in a glass half full way and just say that my liking all movies allows me to at have fun at the movies instead of always being disappointed. I'll let myself live this lie to cover up what appears to be my utter simplicity and lack of discerning cinematic taste.

Ok, so what about the movie itself? I had never seen the original, but I kind of had an inkling as to the implications of something being "Stepford". Well, as the movie progresssed, I was kind of taken aback at the statement it made not on women, but on men. More to the point, a statement on weak men. I mean, how boring is that to want a partner who doesn't challenge you and does nothing but clean and look great. Ugh. By my not wanting that hopefully makes me a strong (not weak) male. Oh, notice how I use the word partner? There is a gay couple in in the updated Stepford and it's pretty cute. You'll just have to see for yourself. Lead actress Nicole Kidman, however, bugs me. It felt like that she was channelling Meg Ryan for this part. It was Meg Ryan's voice and way of speaking coming out of a plastic looking Kidman. Hey, there's some criticism for you!!! Maybe, I'm not as soft as I think I am. Lastly, Matthew Broderick? Looking so cute even with a bit of a tummy starting to show.

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