Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Tahoe Thanksgiving 2019

After so many trips to Seattle in the summer and fall, Mom said that we could pass on another trip to Seattle for Thanksgiving.  Onions decided that a trip to Tahoe was in order.  Even though there was lots of snow in the mountains, Onions thought it would be "an adventure" to purchase some chains and install them on the road.  As always, he was a master and it took less than 15 minutes.

Onions found us a very nice suite at a ski resort.  It had the WEIRDEST layout ever.  You walk in and there was a living room with television and sofa.  But then you had to walk THROUGH the bathroom with a hottub that opened both to the living room and bedroom in the rear.  Unfortunately no pictures were taken, so I post this photo of a wonderfully clear Tahoe.

We aren't snow people, so instead of skiing on the mountains, we decided to take a boat ride to see the mountains from the water!

Alas, as we were sailing along, the clouds came in so good-bye blue skies.

Emerald Bay and Fannette Island (I didn't know the name of the island but Google told me)

Thanksgiving Dinner?  Casino Buffet of course!  Here we are on the top floor of Harrah's in South Lake.  We lucked out to get a window table and got to watch the snow fall as we ate.

Onions didn't even touch the carving table.  It was all king crab legs for him!

We spent most of the weekend just driving around (and once accidentally ending up in Carson City, NV when we took a wrong turn) enjoying the parks and views.

On the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend, we braved the snowy passes again and returned back to San Francisco.

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