Saturday, June 20, 2020

Nixon Presidential Library

Leaving Yosemite we headed south with a couple days before eventually to meet Mom, Marlene and Oliver in San Diego.  Onions found a cheap hotel fare at a Doubletree near the Orange County Airport and I realized that we were near a presidential library! 

So now, I'm only missing Hoover, FDR, the Texas 3 (LBJ, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr.) and the soon to be open Obama museums.

Interesting.  2017!

Taking calls in the Oval.

Onions in convo on a VERY 60's color and style couch.

The layout of the museum has an interesting (and strategic) layout. It starts with the accomplishments of the Nixon years.  There are themed pods, such as this one about his trip to China and others such as his creation of the EPA.

A letter from Chou En Lai to must be significant because I snapped a photo, but I don't remember why.

So, Watergate.  The elephant in the room,  was addressed in full a factual way.  

An entire hallways/exhibition area was dedicated to the timeline of Watergate.  There wasn't any discussion of the paranoia about his enemies or even the Enemies List that is often discussed, but Watergate from Nixon's point of view felt very sterile.

Turns out the Nixon Library is built on the family farm in Yorba Linda.  The house in which he was born and grew up is preserved on the grounds.

The house itself was closed for renovations.

Moving through the museum exhibition, after the Watergate and end of life exhibitions, then circled back to his early life and ended with his election to the presidency in 1968.

There was a special exhibition about the 1969 landing on the moon.

Onions simulating Neil Armstrong!  

Ahhh, found in the gift shop.  And no, we didn't purchase.  I wonder who would have been so prominantly featured before the current president? Overall, it was an enjoyable few hours.

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