Saturday, July 08, 2017

Big Animals & Short Hike

We planned on a two day adventure in Denali National Park, but having had such a perfect first day, we decided to get in the car and just drive north.  We ended up in Fairbanks (ate Vietnamese Pho) and spent the afternoon at University of Alaska's Large Animal Research Station.

On the drive north of Denali, the landscape flattens out and it's trees and tundra for miles.  It's no wonder most tourists never make it out of the southern part of the state.

The Large Animal Research Station is dedicated to learning about the large animals of the polar regions.

The first....the musk ox.  These animals, with their short stubby legs and long hair are perfectly suited for the cold temperature.

Musk Ox and Child

The other animal studied are reindeer.  Although imported from Europe and Asia, they are also adapted to Alaskan climate.

On the short drive (just under three hours, short is relative in Alaska) back from Fairbanks to Denali, I pulled out the Alaska App on my phone and it told me to stop in the town of Nenana.  So we spent a half hour wandering around.

Here's an interesting historical fact!

Back at Denali, we decided to drive the road to the end of where the public can go without a tour bus, a place called Savage River.  And Onions decided, it's time to go on a hike. So with bear spray in the pack, up we went.

Typical Alaska road....this one on the way back out of Denali, post hike.

And then....this!  For more than five minutes we just hung out with moose and child.

Child and Mother's universal!

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