Monday, December 19, 2005

Miss Manners Weighs In

The Christmas card saga will never end even though I try and put it behind me. What gives? Here's what Miss Manners' column advised as proper Christmas card ettiquette in the San Francisco Chronicle on Monday December 19th, 2005:

"........However, signing one's name to printed inanities, or mass-producing a composition about one's petty triumphs over the year, is not keeping in touch. Keeping in touch means writing one's sentiments with one's very own hand. This may be a full letter, or on the words "Merry Christmas" added to a picture card, but one must write it oneself.......Miss Manners will only add the requirement that they nevertheless write out a message, however brief, between the poesy and the signature."

There you have it. What we all should be laughing at is the irony that I, perhaps the person who worries least about ettiquette, had his instincts validated by the court of highest authority, the one and only Miss Manners. BOO-YAH!!!

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