Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Summer in Seattle

"The bluest skies I've ever seen are in Seattle..."
--Harry Wappler (the former Weather guy on KIRO)

This past weekend, I flew to Seattle to spend the weekend with the family. A shout out to Mom and Dad for suffering through my "funk", I've got to work on being more pleasant when suffering through my own personal difficulties, whatever they are. Mom and Dad are always cheerful and great and accomodating, but the issues are mine so blame me. Enough said.

For those of you suffering through the pains of heat and humidity day after day this summer, I will offer you this painful piece of information. The weather these past five days in Seattle were:

CURRENT CONDITIONS (July 26th, 2005)
Updated 7:22 PM PDT
Seattle, WA

Temp: 78°F (26°C)

Tue (7/27) sunny Hi: 84°F
Wed (7/28) sunny Hi: 82°F
Thu (7/29) sunny Hi: 78°F

and might I add, no humidity! So, golf was played (the streak is alive, FYI) , Mariners games watched, friends seen and I was even put to work helping my college friend John G. finish nailing his new deck and then staining it.

Ahh, and the big news..

A fuzzy photo of a photo of myself, Marlene and Mom in front of her new Prius

The hybrid drove really well. The only weird thing that I think would take getting used to is the fact that you stick the key in a slot, and then press a button to start the car. Then it takes about 10 seconds before the motors (electric and gas) kick in and one is ready to drive. At a later date and time, I will go on my talk about the Economics of all this, but that's for later.

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