Sunday, January 20, 2019


Working west towards Geneva, from where we would fly home, we spent a night in the town of Montreux.  Turns out Freddy Mercury and Queen spent some time here and recorded in a studio they owned in the town.


Right down the road from Montreux is Chateau de Chillon.  We've all seen photos of this castle on an island.  It was a great visit.  The tour is extensive and self-guided and very informative.

Built in concentric ellipses, here's Onions standing between the first and second (older) courtyards.  We're looking outwards.

The "dungeon" where prisoners were kept.

Prisoners were kept chained to the columns. One famous prisoner was here for five years.

Onions going in the secret passage way.....

....and coming out the other side!

Toilets were also defensive tools.  Your waste would go down a long wall and into the lake, thereby deterring and making it harder for attackers to get into the castle.

A final view towards the eastern end of Lake Geneva.

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