Saturday, May 27, 2017


So, the main building (from the 1950's) of The Lick-Wilmerding High School will be torn down this summer and replaced with a new building during the next academic year.  Therefore, on the last day of school, students were given the go-ahead to write on the walls of the school.  Alumni even came back to take part.  I didn't really look closely at what was written but there was some offensive stuff.  I mean, of course, it's high school kids, and some, if not all, have some beef with some teacher, someone or something that happened to them. But I took the time yesterday to do a quick scan and here are some of my favorites.

Awww, thanks kid!

LWHS Math Department 2017-18.  We are losing Ms. Lea (front row left) to her new life adventure!  We'll miss her.

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