Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Kauai #5: Kalalau Trail

The last day of our trip, with the Kalalau Trail open, we finally got a chance to hike the trail itself.

Through the power of Facebook, it turns out that a friend of mine and his family were on the island as well and we arranged to meet up to hike!

I have other rainbow photos, but...redundancy, however I post this rainbow as I thought it was particularly cool.

The hike is famous and therefore massively popular.  Here was a rare moment in which there were no other people around.  The trail felt like a highway.

This photo was taken at a dry part but the trail was extremely muddy.  I saw so many people who were unprepared with the wrong types of shoes.  Think Chinese ladies in their flats trying to dodge the mud and complaining....not peaceful.

At the end of the first two miles of the trail (the entire trail is 11 miles) one must cross a stream.  I, of course, not being that careful, ended up just stepping in the water.

The trail allows for great view of the Na Pali coast.  From beach there is a spur trail up to a waterfall, but we chose to go back.

We stopped in Hanalei for some shaved ice!  Root beer for Onions.  Pineapple (which tasted like banana) for me.

To end our trip, we headed back to the wings place.  Here Onions is drinking his once every six months Long Island Ice Tea.  He too has "Asian Glow" so when he fell asleep in the car, I ended our trip with a run to the laundromat.  Then it was a red eye back to the mainland.  Good bye, Kauai!

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