Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Summer 2015 East Coast -- Monuments and Memorials

After the museums, we took a twilight walk down the mall to see the monuments and memorials. Walking east, the first is the WWII Memorial.

The monument is elliptical shaped pool with one arch dedicated each to the Atlantic and Pacific theaters with a stele honoring those who fought from each state. 

Although the WWII Memorial has the largest footprint, to me it didn't make much of an emotional impression. It didn't make me think because had I not been paying attention it looked like park with a pool.

However, this monument we all know.  Even though it is familiar, it's grandeur gives you pause to stop and just look.  Greek revival....good call.

We all know the opening to the Gettysburg Address, but here's the entire text.  Powerful words.

The Vietnam War Memorial.  The reason why it's powerful is how different it is.  I had seen pictures but this one you have to experience.  Walking down INTO the heart of the memorial, you feel enveloped by the black marble.

And then you see and yourself reflected in the names.  In comparison to the WWII Memorial, the Vietnam War Memorial is an emotional experience.

Looking on the map of the mall, I saw that there was a Korean War Memorial as well.  This one was completely different, and my favorite. The iconography of the soldiers tromping through the bushes was another emotional experience.

The powerful dedication

This is the entrance to......
.....the MLK Memorial.  Did you know it was designed by a Chinese artist?  MLK was placed here so he is directly along the line between the Lincoln Memorial, where he gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech and.....

.....The Jefferson Memorial

Onions and I decided to walk around the Tidal Basin to the Jefferson Memorial and came upon the FDR Memorial.

The FDR Memorial is an example of what I call "trying to do too much" because it was a series of installations that told a story. It wasn't an experience more of a "lecture."

The FDR Memorial did include Eleanor, which gives is major points.

We timed it perfectly because we arrived at the Jefferson Memorial at sunset.

We finished our perfect evening stroll along the Mall with the Jefferson Memorial just as its lights turned on.

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