Saturday, March 07, 2015


Our next destination was into the Japanese Alps.  In Takayama, we found this small restaurant near our hotel.

Totally local...this is the entire restaurant.  It's run by the woman behind the bar.

Up here in the mountains, the chill of winter was still in the air and snow on the ground.

Our destination was the small town of Shirakawa-go.  This UNESCO World Heritage site is known for it's steep grass-thatched roofs.

Welcome to Shiragawa-go!

In this isolated valley, the residents built the roofs very steep to allow snow not to get heavy on the roofs.

On a hill just outside of town is the famous view of Shiragawa-go.

What's in this box?

Ahhh, makes sense!

After walking through town, we sat down to a traditional Japanese lunch!

And spent an hour and a half soaking ourselves at an "onsen" or public bath!

If the soaking pool is outside, it's called a "rotemburo."  Here's the view from the rotemburo.

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