Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Go Big or Go Home!

When you are in a relationship you get invited by your partner to random events. This one was a party at Onions' gym. Prizes were given, dances performed and audience participation games were all on the agenda. Near the end, the emcee called row 13, 4th person from the right.....and I was, at that point, the ONLY person in row 13 so I got called up to the stage.

I was in a team competition where water was passed from cup to cup....but only using your mouth to hold the cup!

Not knowing what I looked liked, or cared what I looked like, I went for it, as you can see.

The emcee for some reason focused on me and kept saying        "漂亮", or "pretty" 

At the end, the emcees called me up to the front and were talking in rapid fire Chinese that I didn't fully understand, but they were acting out my technique!

I contest the final result because our teams pitcher had more water, but I think they reversed our team numbers.

The SWAG....body soap, a fanny pack and nice chopsticks!

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