Saturday, July 05, 2014

Disappearing Beijing Street Life

You never know where you find out about things to see and do in your city.  Somehow I got onto a daily email called "City Lab", which is the Atlantic Magazine's special section covering stories about urban issues.  So last week in my City Lab digest, I found this article called Beijing Street Food Scene Struggles to Survive.  One of the two areas mentioned in the article, "Lazhu Hutong" is only a 10 minute bus ride from Onion's house (where I'm living for the summer).  So I talked him into checking it out.

"Old Beijing" was full of these streets where people eat outdoors. In the crowded traditional hutongs, people found community outdoors in public areas.  These hutongs were torn down in the rush to development, but there is now recognition of their historical value and they are being preserved.

In Beijing there is a significant population of Hui Muslims and Lazhu Hutong is known in local circles for it's "hot plate" cuisine.

Onions ordering.

Yeah......I have no idea what we're getting.

First a large pot of charcoal shows up.  FYI, there were no tables outside on this summer evening so we ate inside.

Next add the "hot plate"

On goes the meat......I originally thought the meat was tough and perhaps not fresh.  Onions then informed me we were eating cow tongue.

Next up, cow tendon.  I asked if they had any pig products.  He reminded me we were in a Muslim restaurant!

I apologize for the shirt.....I picked it up from Onions laundry without really looking.

Oh problem!  I'll say it's a BONUS!!!

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