Tuesday, April 01, 2014

周口店 Zhoukoudian (Peking Man)

Dad visiting Beijing again!  We met up with Yi Poa, who took us to lunch (duck of course) and to a temple.  I am DONE with temples in China.  NO MORE!  And why, after all these years, does Dad take better pictures than me?

After lunch, Dad and I took the subway to the end of the line (and it's out there) and then hired a driver to take us to the famed (and UNESCO World Heritage site) Peking Man site.

Here in the 1920's, researchers (with a tip from locals who reported fossils) found human bone and animal bone dated to 530,000 years ago!

This large pit is called "Locality 1", the first site to be excavated.  It was here in 1929 that the first skull was found.

Coming back from the hunt!  
Evidence that Dad doesn't know how to use an iPhone camera!

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