Sunday, December 01, 2013

The Year of Three Thankgiving Turkey Dinners

Turkey dinner #1 was actually a turkey lunch!  School hosted a thanksgiving lunch in a newly renovated room at the school canteen.

A tub of the best mashed potatoes I've ever tasted.  The secret ingredient?  Cream cheese.

The sides were provided by the dining hall.  Yams, corn, broccoli and kung pao shrimp (?).

The highlight?  No duck this year, but actual turkey!

Cranberry sauce, potatoes, and as if we needed, more starch....rice!

Apple and Pumpkin Pies for everyone!

And to make it China...thanksgiving eaten with chopsticks!

My leftovers haul!!  And yes, an entire pie.

Thanksgiving night dinner was turkey #2.  Hosted by ex-colleague Barbara C.

The adults table.

Barbara, Mr. P-C and Mrs. Placht enjoying a fantastic dinner in an adult setting.

Turkey dinner #3 was two days later on Saturday.  No pictures of food or the table, but Onions got to eat his first Thanksgiving dinner and met Micah!

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