Friday, July 12, 2013

Historic Sarajevo

Sarajevo, is set in a narrow river valley and has a long history dating back hundreds of years.  It is at the corner of the Muslim, Orthodox and Catholic worlds.  The old town, the furthest east, is the Muslim quarter.  Here the buildings are tighter together and have fewer stories.

Remnants of a 1500's building, which was a "hotel"

Sarajevo's largest mosque.

Turns out I'm a fan of Bosnian (Turkish coffee)

Even the sludge at the bottom!

The mixing of religions and cultures.

Sarajevo's Catholic Church

And its Orthodox church

Moving west, the architecture changes and we're in 18th century Europe as in the 1870's the Austro-Hungarian Empire took control of Bosnia and brought in its style, architecture and government.

I love how this man is playing while carrying his grocery bag!

From this may, you can see Bosnia's position in empire of Austria-Hungary.  With Serbia next door.

On June 28th, 1914, a Bosnian Serb (supported by Serbia itself) who wanted separation from Austria-Hungary and thereby unite all Serbs and thereby Slavs (sound familiar?) killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and that led to a series events that led to World War I.

And here's the actual corner!!!

And we arrived on the night of the 99th anniversary.  So we had to walk over there and stand on the historical site!

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