Saturday, March 23, 2013


The four days we spent in Jinghong were pretty quiet.  I would go to school with the students in the morning and then have an afternoon free.  One afternoon, I walked over to Manting Park.  At the back of the park is the very important Buddhist temple of Xishuangbanna.

These temples and sites further makes one feel that they are really in Southeast Asia.

Three times a elephant show.  This guy, CLEARLY is a boy.

I am continually impressed with elephants and their intelligence!  (Takes on to know one)

A funny moment!  This guy volunteered for an activity and didn't know that he was going to get a groin massage.  Everyone in the audience busted a gut.

Manting Park must have one of the largest peacock collections anywhere.  The great thing is that one can go and walk around with them.

Our students were followed around like rock stars in town.  George K. was a good sport and was willing to take a picture with these very excited girls.

Our final dinner with our guides.  During each section of the trip, we had local guides to help us through!

Those look like bugs up top and larvae on the bottom, yeah?  You dare me to eat?

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