Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Americans Meet Italians, Italians Meet Americans

Moving to a new city, the key to feeling connected is meeting that crucial person who opens up a who new social side of things.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have been lucky to meet a colleague DD, who has introduced me to her friends and that has made all the difference in this first month here in Rome.  I'm over the first hump, and on my way to a grand life here.

So last week, SS IMPLORED me to set up a get together at local outdoor summer club (called All'Ombra dell Colosseo, which is as you probably translated, right in the shadow of the Colosseum) so my American colleagues at school might could meet his Italian friends.  Plus, most of the American's I brought were.....female.  SS was in heaven.  I kind of felt like a pimp, but hell, it was fun.

Myself and "work spouse" DD
DD and SS
SS and SOME of the colleagues I invited
Italians and Americans mixing it up

Yes, I'm dancing.  Over on Facebook, it was called "the salmon", but I renamed it "the blender" 
JF, new Chemistry teacher AND from Seattle and myself

Left is Mishu (nickname) and SS
SS, Pino and myself

1 comment:

sugar said...

Ernesto, I am loving the updates. However I am not loving the dates of previous posts running through your photos! Can you upgrade your knowledge and move them over more so that I/we can delight in all things Italian please? Grazie.

PS "the salmon"? I don't get it