Thursday, May 12, 2011

Between Normandy and Brittney

Leaving the Normandy beaches and countryside, Marlene and I headed west first to Mont-St-Michel and then to the region of Brittney, the "arm" of France that sticks into the Atlantic Ocean. It was a peaceful and quiet few days. And, as was true throughout, the weather was beautiful.

The famed Mont-St-Michel abbey. Ever since I saw it on the cover of my friends' French books back in Middle School, I've wanted to see it.

Having seen enough abbeys/churches/castles living in Europe, the tour was interesting, but the only real thing I found cool was the causeway linking the island to the mainland.

Crossing into Brittney, near the town of Cancale, we stopped for oysters by the side of the road. This part of the coast of France is famous for oysters.

Turns out, I like the bigger oysters, rather than the small/baby ones.

We ended that night in St. Malo, a walled city on the water. Beautiful sunset......peaceful.

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