Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hans and Teresa's Visit

Hans and Teresa of Oakland were my second visitors while living here in Viterbo. They had four fantastic days of sightseeing, food and fantastic weather. They were troopers in joining two "Chenventures" to Bomarzo and Orvieto. And because they flew across the pond, they make the blog. That should be INCENTIVE enough to come and see the sites of Italy. Most of these pictures are courtesy of Hans.

Hans, Teresa and myself lounging around at Parco di Mostri in Bomarzo.

Sticking my hand into a "Bocca della Verita" fortune telling machine.

I got 8/9 in Life, 6/9 in Love, 4/9 in Luck, 9/9 in Health and 4/9 in Sex.

Partially because I'm a geek and wanted to test to see if the machine was consistent, I tried again. But part of me wanted some higher scores in Love and Sex. The second time around, 7/9 in Life, 4/9 in Love (OUCH), 8/9 in Luck, 8/9 in Health and 4/9 in Sex (DOUBLE OUCH).

Here we are sitting and waiting for the bus after having missed the one we wanted to take (and having been kicked out of Parco di Mostri for climbing on the sculptures). So we killed time by playing "SOLO", the Italian version of "UNO" at a local cafe. The Italian version has one card that has everyone pass their hand to the person on their left. Another card allows you to switch hands with another player. BRILLIANT!

Each morning, Hans and Teresa joined me for coffee at Bagolino's. This is picture with Massimo is proof that I got behind the counter for the first time EVER.

Here we are at the top of the "Torre del Moro" in Orvieto. That's the famous Duomo in the background.

I rarely have so many pictures of myself on the blog, but thanks to Hans, this is myself and Steve C. kissing a stuffed boar!

Hans was a BIG fan of the pizzas from "Il Monastero", so we had takeout on the night before they left. Thanks for a great visit, Hans and Teresa!

1 comment:

Hans said...

Fantastic trip. Time with Ernie is always a great thing. You've set us in mind to figure out how to visit again...though we also made plans to use ALL my vacation in 2010. We loved the other parts of the trip, but felt like we had the best opportunity to try to live "local" in and around Viterbo. This was a lot easier with Ernie. Thanks again to Yvonne too! It was also fantastic to see Ernie in action on the "Chen trips" with SYA students.