Monday, November 16, 2009

Olive Oil

Each grower brings their olives to a press to be turned into olive oil. Here they are stacked up and ready to go. The return is 14% of the total mass will be returned as olive oil.

First the olives are dumped into a huge blower, to remove twigs and leaves.

Olives are then put underneath the granite rollers to be turned into a paste.

The paste is spit out and spread in a thin layer onto one of the "rope disks."

The disks are then stacked up between metal disks ready to be pressed.

The liquid seeps out from the paste as the machine compresses the disks.

The liquid is then sent to a centrifuge which separates the olive oil from the other liquid, water.

The final product! The smell in the press is so sharp, it's almost a spicy sensation on your nose.

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