Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Munich -- Part 3

Here it is.....Oktoberfest pictures.

Oktoberfest ends on the first weekend in October. Henry, Roland and I attended on the final Saturday. Wall-to-wall people.

About one-third of attendees wore traditional dirndls and lederhosen

Oktoberfest is like most fairs where games are played and prizes to be won.

This ride was a favorite as participants had to successfully step on an upward moving beltway to get to a platform where they could slide down. About half of the participants would fall down upon standing on the moving ramp. Women, however, were escorted up by the ticket takers.

Traditional Bavarian dining. I had one but Henry and Roland were intimidated by it.

Henry goes for the wurst.

My half eaten pretzel.

Each brewery has a large tent in which range in size from seating 1,000 to 8,500 beer swilling customers. We took in line for about an hour before getting into the Paulaner tent.

While standing in line, we began chatting with these three German boys who spoke fluent Chinese.

Here's what it looks like inside a beer tent.

The rule is that when the band is playing, no beer is served as...

...too many people are dancing on tables, benches and in the aisles. The band played traditional Bavarian/German songs as well as the occasional Bob Marley and for some reason John Denver's "Country Roads". I remember back when I was here in 1986, that song was popular then as well. Have these people ever BEEN to West Virginia?

A common sight

It's ok for me to post this as Henry has made it his Facebook profile picture.


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